About Me

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I am a mum of two girls. I love to cook, sew and do lots of crafts. I also love to use my Thermomix called Thelma. She is a life saver in my kitchen and I can create lots of different creations.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Weight loss update

Well it has been a while since I was on here last. I did stop protocol before Christmas because I knew it was going to be too hard. And I have come out the other end not doing too much damage. I did put on a few kilos but I am ok about that, and not going right back where I started was great. I joined a gym and am averaging 2 workouts a week but am going to try and get it to three. I have also joined back with Weight Watchers because of its family friendly approach, so I can just eat as the family does and I don't have to stress with different meals. Being on WW I have all most lost the few kilos I put on over Christmas so I am very happy with that. Mondays have become my weight in day so tomorrow I do my week 2 weigh, my weight as of last Monday was 108.3. This is going to be my year, I am excited to see double digits again so am sticking with it for the long haul, being honest and accountable for everything that enters my mouth. I am also feeling blessed with a wonderful support network.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

P2 D10

110.9 down 900 grams.
Been feeling pretty good all day today, then this evening my mind has started some games with me and I am cranky. I'm not hungry or wanting to eat, but I was just reading ahead in the protocol and them my head starts to tell me that I am never going to eat 'normal' again. I will never be able to enjoy an evening out or go and just be. Now I am having doubts that this weight loss this is impossible to even obtain. Yes, I may be losing weight now but what happens next.
Feeling tired should just go to bed and sleep it off.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Round 1 phase 2 day 8.

well I think I am just about over the crankiness. It's mind games I tell you. The sweet smell of baking, the beautiful smell of bacon, mmmmmmmmmm bacon! I just can't wait to get to the re introduction of other foods. Anyway, I have now lost a total of 14 cm all over and 3 kgs. I am feeling lighter and not bloated at all. Still waiting for the day that my clothes start to be all saggy baggy. 😊😊😊
My weight now is 110.8.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Sorry I missed yesterday's post. Yesterday's weight was 112.4kg, think this is just the stuff I ate on the weekend. Today's weigh 112.8. So a gain, no biggie. I did have to have paracetamol as my head wes thumping. The last few days I have also been itchy so bad. Thinking of a test with the supplements and not take them to see if it's them. So felt like a wine tonight but none in the house anymore for a while so feeling a bit on edge that's 3 days clean.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Sorry I forgot to post yesterday. The day went ok except for my nose and my stupid sinuses. I'm still feeling yuck today as well with my nose still throbbing. Weight today is 114.8. Seems weird having to weigh every day but I'm in a good head space and am really only wanting to concentrate on the weekly overall loss. You will probably notice that with this protocol I will be losing more than a normal program but it's my fat cells being targeted.
Today I had all my nutrients and an orange for breakfast.
Lunch was baked chicken with coriander, ginger, onion, garlic, red chill and lemon juice and ACV.
Dinner again chicken baked with garlic, paprika, thyme, rosemary and acv. Cabbage, lettuce tomato and shallots.
2 coffees, 2 mineral waters

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Day 1, Phase 1. loading.

Start weight 113.6
Waist 111
Hips 133
Stomach 120
Bust 118
Thigh 81
Arms 41

I have started my loading day today. Eggs Benedict for breakfast. Still feel so full, but having my coffee. write more later.
I think I loaded ok today. One more day of this and then into the lean bit of the protocol. Still thinking I will switch to Hunter Gather protocol next as long term I reckon that I can stick to it better. Anyway hopefully I will get to my first goal in this round.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Goals and preparation time.

Almost finished my shopping for today.

This is just some of the allowed food, so definitely not going to starve. 😆.
But I thought I would share my goals for my first round on protocol.
1) get into double figures (weight wise)
2) dropping a dress size or two.
3) in general feeling better health wise.